Social Media and Work: Where is the Line?

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As the job market begins to improve, more and more companies are looking for ways to shuffle through the massive amounts of job applications that they have to go through.  We know the process. We’ve done it. We hated it. It’s a pain going over 200 applicant’s resumes and then trying to narrow that list down to five to call in for interviews. Companies for a while now have been looking at social media to find out more about people and making judgments as to whether to hire them based on that.  Most recently, instead of just looking for or glancing at people’s Facebook pages, they have started requiring that they turn over their password, in some of the more extreme cases, or, in the less extreme cases,  asking candidates to sign in to their Facebook account during the interview or friend a hiring manager. For more detail, check out the article from business insider “If You Want A Job, You May Have To Turn Over Your Facebook Password”. Stay tuned for some of our contributors views on the subject.

What are your thoughts? Where is the line between social media and work?